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I am an architect working with public and private bodies, companies and the judiciary authority as a consultant, planner and project manager.


I have been lecturer at the Engineering State University in Perugia, and qualified for the position of associate professor in sustainable architecture at the Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus (DK).


I have been member of Building Commission as energy expert.


I am a published author; speaker and lecturer at national and international conferences (Best Paper Award at International Conference ICEE2017, Heriott-WattUniversity, Edimburgh,UK); independent researcher.


My works and interests are mainly focused around the topics of sustainable architecture and urbanism; near zero energy buildings (nZEB); building renovation and energy efficiency; sustainability; ecology and public health; natural and low impact materials; participatory sustainable design.


I have been co-founder and general secretary of AERISPER, an association for the promotion of sustainability in the building sector.

I am actually member of ISDE (International Society of Doctors for the Environment), with which I am working on a research projects about Eco-Districts and participatory sustainable planning.


I have designed and (personally) built the only passive house present in Umbria, one of the first in Mediterranean climate, certified by the PassivHaus Institute (Passive House Database n°2929) Passiv Haus Institut Darmstadt (DE).

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francesco masciarelli

I am born in 1961 in Perugia, Umbria (Italy) and actually live in Umbria.

I have two sons.
I have carried out political activities within the Regional Council of Umbria and the municipality of Perugia, preparing studies, research, agendas and motions. During this actvity I have participated in many public meetings and television broadcasts on the topics of environment, energy, public health, urban planning and sustainability.



Tel: +39 075 6978745

Mobile: +39 335 6247752

Skype: francesco.masciarelli

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via Ballarini, 15


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